Butta Bomma, a Telugu adaptation of the critically acclaimed film Kappela, stays faithful to the original narrative for the most part. The movie portrays the nuances of village life in a convincing and engaging manner. Satya, a young girl from the serene village of Duddikonda in Araku Valley, leads a simple yet beautiful life with her family and friends. However, her life takes a fateful turn when a wrong dial introduces her to Murali, an autorickshaw driver from Nellimarla. Although their relationship develops through phone calls, the film could have shown it in a more organic way.
The movie takes a dramatic turn in the second half when it uncovers the ugly truth of human trafficking. The film concludes on a thought-provoking note, highlighting the need to be cautious while dealing with unknown people, especially online. The storyline is relatable and believable, with everyday conversations and aspirations of a young girl depicted convincingly. However, the movie could have been shorter, especially the first half.
Anikha Surendran delivers a standout performance as the village girl, impressing with her acting and looks. Surya Vashistta, the newcomer, charms the audience with his commendable acting, and he is a promising actor to watch out for in the future. Arjun Das, playing the role of an unemployed, desperate, short-tempered, yet sensible individual, elevates the drama in the second half with his impressive body language and baritone voice. Navya Swamy also delivers a decent performance with her limited screen time, while the other actors play their roles well.
The film is directed by Shouree Chandrashekhar T Ramesh, with dialogues by Ganesh Ravuri, music by Gopi Sundar, cinematography by Vamsi Patchipulusu, and editing by Navin Nooli. Overall, Butta Bomma is a simple yet engaging romantic tale with a later dramatic turn, exposing the facade of human trafficking. The beautiful locale, impressive cinematography, and excellent performances make it a decent watch, even for those who have watched the Malayalam original.