The film “Khaleja” tells the story of a taxi driver named Raju who becomes involved in the death of a scientist and his friend. While on a trip to Rajasthan to deliver insurance money to the family of the deceased friend, Raju is stabbed and rescued by a mysterious man named Siddha. When Raju wakes up, he finds himself in a remote village in North Andhra called Paali, which is sitting on a valuable resource of Iridium. The villagers believe Raju is a god and look to him to save them from a mysterious disease. Raju’s journey eventually leads him to confront the villainous G K, portrayed by Prakash Raj, in an epic climax.
The film’s strengths lie in its excellent cast and direction. Mahesh, who plays Raju, delivers a fantastic performance, showcasing the charm of Tom Cruise and the recklessness of James Dean. Trivikram’s direction adds a touch of humor that is both entertaining and culturally specific. The fight sequences choreographed by Ram-Laxman are both graceful and intense, and the cinematography by Bhatt is breathtaking.
However, the film does have its flaws. Trivikram’s narrative takes illogical leaps that can be jarring at times, and Anushka’s helicopter ride to Jaisalmer for a dinner date seems out of place. Additionally, the number of comedians in the film can be overwhelming, and Mani’s musical score is a slight letdown.
Overall, “Khaleja” is an impressive film that showcases the best of Tollywood. Mahesh’s performance and Trivikram’s direction create a highly entertaining experience. Despite its flaws, the film is worth watching for its action, humor, and strong cast.