Master is a film directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj that follows the story of a college professor, JD (played by Vijay), who takes on the dangerous task of confronting Bhavani (played by Vijay Sethupathi), a criminal mastermind exploiting young criminals to further his empire.
The film begins by introducing Bhavani’s character, who becomes a ruthless monster after being sent to an observation home by the men who killed his family. He uses juveniles as pawns to build his criminal enterprise and exploits the system that made him what he is.
JD is a charismatic professor who is loved by his students and disliked by the college management, leading him to take a teaching role at the same observation home where Bhavani is running his criminal enterprise.
The story follows JD as he tries to save the young criminals from a life of crime and confronts Bhavani in a final showdown.
Lokesh Kanagaraj brings his filmmaking flair to the film, using distinct visual tones to differentiate between the hero and the villain. However, the film feels less punchy than it sounds on paper, with some plot points feeling too familiar and the action sequences being overlong.
The film’s charismatic performances by Vijay and Vijay Sethupathi keep the audience rooting for their characters, with Vijay dancing like a dream and Vijay Sethupathi stealing the show with his casual acting style that elevates Bhavani’s cruelty. The final confrontation between the two actors has some rousing moments, providing a satisfying conclusion to the film.